Shuttle service provided by Riverside Adventures. Get to your trail points in the Waikato and Karapiro and South Waikato region

Get from A to B along the Waikato River Trails, Te Awa River Ride, Hauraki Rail Trail, or Timber Trail with our shuttle service.

 We can also provide support vehicles for those big rides.
Bookings are essential.

Waikato River Trails

All pricing is to or from Riverside Adventures Base. Luggage transfers from $60 flat fee.





Up to 4 people





Extra people





Te Awa River Ride

We offer a SCHEDULED WEEKEND SERVICE and on demand during the week - BOOK HERE
Midweek bookings on demand - min 2 people required, please call or email to book.

Hauraki Rail Trail

All pricing is either to or from the Matamata i-Site or Cambridge

Te Aroha





Up to 4 people






Extra People






Timber Trail

Prices from Riverside Adventures Base to/from Timber Trail. 



Up to 4 people



Extra People



Shuttles to surrounding areas in the Waikato region | Riverside Adventures Waikato  (formerly Lake District Adventures)

Surrounding area

We can also transport you and your bike to any other points on the trails in surrounding areas. We have a shuttle for up to 25 people - or more with notice. 

Call or contact us to discuss your options, we're happy to help.

Support Vehicle for your ride events | Riverside Adventures Waikato

Support vehicle

Our support vehicle will stay with you for the duration of your ride (up to 8 hours), meeting you at different points along the trail. We can carry surplus food, water and any extras you may have. We can also pick people up along the way if need be, which is a fantastic way to support riders of varying abilities in your group. 

Cost $349.00

Custom shuttles

We can help transport people between accommodation and venues. 

Weddings, events, races, airports and more.

Contact us for pricing and more information.