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From Lake District to Riverside...

Our adventures remain the same.

From Lake District Adventures to Riverside Adventures Waikato... a new name and a new brand look

In September 2021, we launched our new name and a new look.

The rebrand better reflects who we are and the experiences we deliver in the Waikato region. Same tours, same team - new name & a new look!

We're still based on Horahora Road, on the edge of the beautiful Lake Karapiro, and only a few steps away from the Waikato River Trails. We've sharpened up our look, got some new uniforms and tidied up the place. Our team are amped to see you soon!

A chance to rebrand was meant to coincide with a change in our base headquarters. This move has been delayed at this stage. But it has given us the opportunity to bring in some exciting new changes to our service offering. We will soon have our own accommodation options, as well as meeting spaces and something to satisfy those post-tour hunger cravings.

Keep watching as we're not finished yet! Lots of exciting things happening over the next 6 months.

A brand with meaning

Our tours are adventure based - but the kind that bring you a calming effect as you cycle the trails surrounded by Waikato bush, or as you paddle peacefully downstream listening to the water moving.

Inspired by topographic maps; contours of the land rising and dipping; planning adventure trail rides; watching the water movement create ripples and the undulating land in the Waikato. 

Key landscape features have been intertwined into the design, bridging the divide from the land to river flowing through the illustration. Unique, just like a fingerprint. 

You can look down at the illustration with a bird’s eye point of view: looking at the contour lines of land and water meeting. An alternative view is like a cross-section: with the hint of Maungatautari looming across the top range, and the river reaching up to meet the land. 

The new Lake District Adventures brand: Riverside Adventures Waikato